Benefits if I die

Receiving a pension from the Plan will mean that you qualify for other benefits provided within the arrangement. These include benefits payable in the event of your death.

In the event of your death, a pension may be payable to a surviving spouse.

It should be noted that the Trustee of the Plan has discretion to pay a smaller amount in the following circumstances:

  • Your spouse is more than 10 years younger than you; or
  • You leave another dependant and the Trustee decides to pay part of the pension to the other dependant.

If when you die you leave a registered civil partner or a same sex spouse, a pension may be payable to them on the same terms that apply for an opposite sex spouse’s pension. However, the pension will be based only on your pensionable service after 1 December 2003 and therefore if you joined the Plan before this date, the amount will be only a proportion of the spouse’s pension.

If you have no legal spouse or registered civil partner, you may nominate a person to receive the spouse’s pension in the event of your death. If you wish to do this, please complete a Nomination of Beneficiary form, which can be found on the TotalEnergies UK Pension Plan portal. By law, the Trustee can only pay the pension to that person if they were dependent on you at the time of your death either financially or because of disability or because their relationship with you was one of interdependence.

If you do leave a legal spouse or registered civil partner, then the Trustee must pay a minimum pension (as required by contracting-out regulations) to your spouse, the remainder (if any) may be paid to your dependant.

A children’s allowance may be payable while any child of yours is under age 18 and in full time education (or age 23 if in full‑time education).

If you die before five years’ pension payments have been made, you weren’t in receipt of an ill-health pension the balance of the five-year payments (at the rate in force at the date of death) will be payable as a lump sum. If you have enough Lifetime Allowance (LTA) left at the time of your death to cover the cash sum, it will be paid tax–free. If you think you won’t have sufficient LTA, then you should consult your financial adviser.