How your pension is helping our planet
We’ve recently released our Climate Disclosure Report, which tells you what we’re doing to make sure we’re investing the Plan’s assets in environmentally sustainable ways. You might not realise, but your pension savings collectively have tremendous power for good – not only through direct investment in ‘green’ companies, but also through voting rights that our investment managers can exercise as stakeholders.
We’ve published our report in an online format to help you get to the heart of the information it contains. Go to to read more.

You’ll be able to find out about how the Trustee measures and monitors the opportunities and risks associated with climate change and the move to a low carbon economy. We undertake lots of analysis and modelling of various climate scenarios to make sure the Plan’s investments are financially and environmentally sound. You can read an overview of our meetings and dig into the same data we’ve reviewed. There’s a lot of detail, because we know this is an issue of vital importance not just for Plan members but for society as a whole.
Remember: if you’re a DC member, you have the option to choose where your savings are invested – with one of those options being our Ethical Equity Fund, which is specifically set up to prioritise environmental and social impact. If you’d like to check or change your investment choices, you can do so via the Member Portal. Before making any decisions, you should make sure you have a clear understanding of your options and responsibilities, and take independent financial advice if necessary.