Delegating Access to Your Finances
Have you ever thought about how you and your family would manage your financial affairs if you couldn’t carry out everyday tasks for yourself? It’s a good idea to plan ahead for a time when you might not be physically or mentally able to manage your own finances, including your pension.
New Functionality on Your Member Portal
Have you logged onto the Member Portal, your dedicated online hub for managing your pension, lately?
Annual benefit statements are now available!
Annual benefit statements for DC members of the Plan are now available to view on the Member Portal. Why not log on now and see how your pension savings are performing?
Changes to the Plan administrator
You may have seen that Buck, the Plan Administrator, was acquired by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co (“Gallagher”) in April 2023. The Buck name has now been retired, and as of Monday 1st July 2024 your pension is formally being administered by Gallagher.
An Update on Pensions Dashboards
The Pensions Dashboards Programme is a government-led initiative designed to help individuals better manage and understand their pension savings.
Check the member portal for the latest pensioner bulletins
Every two months we produce a pensioner bulletin, providing our retired DB members with the latest information about state benefits, taxation, and other topics that might be of help in managing your finances in retirement.